جهيزات غرف التبريد و التجميد

مجموعة تبريد ضاغط دورين

Semi-hermetic condensing unit with Dorin compressor, the standard unit consist of a compressor, condenser, fans, receiver, and Hp & Lp Danfoss protection control the unit can be equiped with many items according to customer request such as, Fiter drier, sight glass, solenoid valve, accumelator, and oil saparator

مجموعة تبريد ضاغط مانوروب

 Hermetic condensing unit with Dorin compressor, the standard unit consist of a compressor, condenser, fans, receiver, and Hp & Lp Danfoss protection control the unit can be equiped with many items according to customer request such as, Fiter drier, sight glass, solenoid valve, accumelator, and oil saparator 

مبخرات خاصه بغرف التبريد

IRS evaporators are made with many different sizes and fin spacing, they can be used for chiller room, Freezer room, and blast freezer room it ranges from a capacity of 1.7 kW to 52 kW.