صناديق شاحنات معزوله و مبرده

صناديق نقل مواد مبرده أو مجمده

Truck insulated and refrigerated box that can be used to transport chilled or frozen products, design according to customer needs

صناديق خاصة لتوزيع الأيس كريم

truck insulated box design specially to distribute ice cream product where the box is equipped with many doors the freezing system in the box is made from a Eutectic plate and condensing unit.

صناديق مقسمه لحرارات مختلفه

Truck insulated and refrigerated box with multi temperature compartments

صناديق مبرده خاصة لنقل ذبائح الماشية

truck insulated and refrigerated box especially design with hooks from the roof to transport slaughtered animals